Saraswathi is an internationally renowned and sought after therapist and trainer. She has two Masters Degrees (in Nutrition and Psychology) from the University of Madras, Chennai, and for over 16 years was a yoga teacher, teacher-trainer, therapist, consultant and head of the research department at an internationally renowned institute of yoga in Chennai. She has conducted workshops around the world and founded YogaVahini with the aim of making the healing wisdom of Yoga more accessible to everyone.
Saraswathi is passionate about yoga therapy and is naturally gifted at establishing deep, nurturing connections with her students facilitating empowerment and inner healing. “To be in her presence is to experience the embodiment and the spirit of this timeless healing art. To study with her in any possible context should be high on any serious student of Yoga’s list of priorities.” (Robert Birnberg, Yoga Therapist and educator). For more information and testimonials of her wonderful work visit
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