Madeleine A. Marty MS (Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine)

Madeleine is the founding principal of Yoga Therapy Australia. Apart from teaching and facilitating seminars, workshops and retreats, Madeleine practices as a Wellness Consultant. She draws on her training and experience in Ayurveda, Nutritional Medicine, Yoga Therapy, and Meditative and mindfulness techniques to create personal programs according to the needs of the individual. She trained directly with Dr NC since 2004,  has completed her Masters in Maharishi Ayurveda and interned in some of the most renowned Ayurvedic hospitals in India.

With a strong emphasis on the gut and the mind, Madeleine’s clients have found themselves reviving their health and renewing their enthusiasm and vigour far beyond their initial expectations.  Madeleine works with her clients to get them back in balance and to re-enliven their body’s inner intelligence. This is achieved largely through simple but remarkably effective dietary and lifestyle changes, which include the prescription of yoga therapy programs according to the needs of the individual. However, as Madeleine cautions, “‘those that benefit most, are those prepared to embrace change and move away from patterns that may no longer serve them”.

Madeleine has Masters in Science (Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine), is a registered yoga therapist, senior yoga teacher, and founder of Yoga Therapy Australia. In addition she has training and experience in Nutritional Medicine (ACNEM Primary), Healing with Whole Foods, and is a certified GAPS and MINDD practitioner. She has previously worked in a variety of fields including as a criminal lawyer, lobbyist and biodynamic farmer.

Should you wish to book a Health and Wellness session with Madeleine, preferably live, but also available on zoom, you may contact her by phone or whatsapp on +61 (0)416172717 or by email at