What I knew was going to be incredible was the first course to leave me speechless (it’s a feat….) I went to learn, and wow, learn we did, but it happened not only on a mind-information or even a practical level. It peeled me open with compassion and deep wisdom and gently guided the awareness in the direction of Home. This is the only place I’ve ever wanted to teach Yoga from, and my heart is crying happy tears in having found a teacher who is sharing the full story of Yoga. I don’t know what’s unfolding from here, but I feel grateful, and open to life, in total trust. The level of support, care and real sangha offered and nurtured in this space was unexpected and deeply nurturing. The combination of the teachings (in all their varied forms – the fleeting the most powerful), with cell-nourishing heart-warming food, enough space in the timetable for earth play, connection with each other, personal practice and rest, brought me home a very different person. I looked up at the mirror and saw a pair of deeply nourished bright eyes. Even my skin was new. Thank you for really teaching me to breathe, and showing me how possible it is to truly help every person who comes just by making space for open, careful observation and understanding. I am so excited for the next three years. Thank you.